Año Publicación:
Idioma: esp
Idioma orig: esp
Resumen: The origin of this book is due to a short story competition "Short Stories to Tell" on the occasion of the English Language Day, framed within a programme of activities developed by the Language Centre of the University of Almeria and the Vice-Rectorate for Communication and University Extension. Those responsible for this activity are the lecturers of the Department of Philology Rosario Lisciandro and María del Mar Palenzuela Pérez in collaboration with Tim Spratt, teacher of the Language Centre. The book is made up of 29 stories in English whose authors are students and lovers of the English language. The stories are original and have been selected by a jury. The thematic variety of the stories gives the book an interesting, entertaining, heterogeneous and culturally diverse character. Moreover, the cultural and nationality diversity of the authors gives the book a distinctive element.
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